The IUFRO Working Party 7.03.13 meeting on the ‘Biological Control of Forest Insect Pests and Pathogens’ was hosted by the Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute of the University of Pretoria from 5-8 November 2019. The meeting was held at the Future Africa campus at the University of Pretoria, and was the first time this Working Party has met in Africa.
This relatively small meeting (about 65 people) attracted participants from 27 countries from around the world. The sessions included ‘Classical Biological Control’, ‘Forest Insect Pests in Africa’, ‘Entomopathogens, Nematodes and Insects in Augmentative Biocontrol’, ‘Biological Control of Pathogens and Nematodes’, and the ‘Future of Biological Control’. Prof. Bernard Slippers (FABI, Future Africa) and Mr Michael Peter (Forestry South Africa) were guest speakers, with Keynote addresses from Prof. Timothy Paine (University of California) and Dr Maartje Klapwijk (Swedish University of Agriculture).
For more on this meeting click here.