Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF)

bicepadminACIAR Partners

DAF promotes profitable primary industries for Queensland. The Department provides expertise and support to assist the State’s food and fibre industries to increase productivity, improve sustainability, grow markets and adapt to change. DAFF is committed to delivering world-class research and development, providing leadership on industry policy, protecting industries against pests, diseases and maintaining animal welfare standards, managing fisheries sustainably and … Read More

Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR)

bicepadminACIAR Partners

ACIAR is an arm of the Australian Government’s Official Development Assistance Program. Its charter is to commission research that leads to more productive and sustainable agriculture through collaborative projects involving Australia and developing-country partners. In helping developing countries to help themselves ACIAR aims to help them become self-sufficient in tackling their own problems. BiCEP research is supported through funding from … Read More