New FAO Guide to Classical Biological Control in forests launched

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BiCEP partner scientists were involved in the preparation and publishing of the new FAO publication “Guide to the classical biological control of insect pests in planted and natural forests”. The guide was launched on 4 April 2019 at Silva Mediterranean Week in Lebanon. A great deal of knowledge on classical biological control has been accumulated worldwide in the last few decades. … Read More

New BiCEP Agreement Executed

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A new four-year Biological Control of Eucalypt Pests Alliance agreement was signed off by our partners and executed by the University of the Sunshine Coast on the 26th June 2018. BiCEP partners in the new agreement are founding members the Forest Science and Research Institute of Brazil (IPEF –Instituto de Pesquisas e Estudos Florestais) and Forestry South Africa through the Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology … Read More

South East Asian Tree Health Conference 2017

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Theme Growing the SE Asia Timber Industry in the face of Pests and Diseases Subthemes Reducing the risk through good management practice Addressing the risk through science The importance of the SE Asian Timber industry Objective To provide a forum for managers and researchers to share their experience and efforts to control pests and diseases in South East Asia’s timber … Read More

Update on Cleruchoides releases in Brazil

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According to BiCEP collaborator Prof Carlos Wilcken, four field releases of Cleruchoides noackae have now been made in Brazil, three in the State of Minas Gerais (MG), where the most serious infestations have been seen this year, and one in Sao Paulo (SP) State. Successful recovery of parasitoids from the field has now been recorded at 3 of the four … Read More

Update from Annie

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Greetings from sunny Sydney, everyone. The Australian cricket season is almost finished and this is great because it means the AFL football season is just around the corner.  I have, yet again, very high expectations of my AFL team, the Fremantle Dockers. I have some Thaumastocoris peregrinus news for you. Thaumastocoris peregrinus is now in Italy! It has been found … Read More

IUFRO Forest Protection Meeting In Uruguay A Great Success

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The consensus amongst participants at this meeting was that it was certainly one of the best organised and most successful meetings of its type that we had attended.  In particular, it was highly valuable having pathologists and entomologists from around the world in the same room (and in the field) during the week, especially given the increasing realisation of the … Read More

IUFRO Forest Protection Joint Meeting in Uruguay

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Forest protection researchers from around the world are meeting in Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay from the 8th to 11th November 2011 on the theme “Pathogens, insects and their associations affecting forestry worldwide”.  Themes for the meeting include “Biological invasions-Forest health surveillance and monitoring”, “Pest-disease co-evolution”, “Management of pests and diseases”, “Multitrophic interactions” and “Biodiversity”.  It promises to be a great … Read More

BiCEP’s first shipment of Bronzing bug egg parasitoids sent to South Africa and Brazil

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The first shipments of Thaumastocoris peregrinus eggs under this project left Australia on 12 September and have already been producing egg parasitoids in Quarantine in both countries. Collections were made by Dr Ann Noack in the Olympic Park area of Sydney, site of the 2000 Sydney Olympics. Further shipments are planned over the coming months when partners and associates are … Read More