🌳 A new ACIAR project led by @usceduau will address a sudden surge in pests and diseases threatening the highly profitable and environmentally beneficial acacia decurrens tree in Ethiopia 🇪🇹 https://bit.ly/3t9fKnN
@AusEmbET | @eefriethiopia | @CSIRO | @Fabiteam1
"The polyphagous shot hole borer is eating the front door." Having been a part of South Africa's response (lead by @Fabiteam1), I'm sharing our experience with colleagues here in Aotearoa at a bark & ambrosia beetle workshop. Hoping to get a collaboration going 💪🏽 @zwdebeer
Latest news on the BiCEP and FABI collaboration on the Gonipterus egg parasitoid, Anaphes nitens !
Two fantastic research scientist positions at @Macquarie_Uni to work on a) Insect Biological Control and b) Insect vectors of plant and/or animal pathogens. Worth checking!!! 😁👍🏼👀
During the past few decades the area of eucalypt plantations around the world has expanded dramatically, supported by exceptional tree growth and performance. Over time the incidence and impact of insect pests has increased and now poses a major impediment to the continued expansion of this important industry.
BiCEP is actively seeking collaboration with other organisations worldwide as we continue to develop this project.